Sunday, April 15, 2007

Life on the AIDS/LifeCycle Ride as an HIV+ Participant

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Manuel Monzon
Rider #1865

I want to share some stories from the ride with you. Last year I only trained 6 weeks before the big ride to L.A. Beforehand, I was thinking, "How am I going to ride 7 days?" First, I only had positive thoughts, "You are going to be ok." "Everything is perfect in my world, my mind and my body work properly and at optimumly." "You can do it." I was riding peacefully and harmoniously, enjoying the beautiful life we have, the different sceneries: big cities, forest, and the sea. The weather was cold, warm, and windy and at the end of the each day I was feeling stronger. When I arrived in L.A., from the bottom of my heart I said, "Thanks to God and thanks to my sponsors for giving their unconditional support and for making my dreams come true." You are a special angel to me. Together we are making a difference in our communities. Thanks.

Last October, I went to see my doctor because I losing movement in my legs. He gave me a new diagnosis, osteoperosis, an HIV side-effect. It was worse in my left side and I was in shock. As I left the hospital, tears came to my eyes and I thought, "Where is my life going?" "Will I be stuck in a wheelchair?" My heart was broken and sad, but I had a strong feeling in the bottom of my heart. I told myself, "Manuel, would you like to be in a wheelchair or do you want to see yourself on a bike?" I repeated the answer to myself, "On a bike."

That night I signed up to participate in AIDS/Lifecycle 5 and I must raise a minimum of $2,500 to participate in this event. - Support Manuel and other...visit

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