Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Their Stories, Our Stories

I have a wonderful friend who has been HIV positive for more than 2 decades. Until we met in 2006, I'd never had a close friend with HIV/Aids. I've learned from him a lot in a short amount of time. He has graciously allowed me to share his struggles and successes. The thing that struck me most is that there are thousands of people I come in contact everyday who are living with Aids, some know they are...and some do not know. That means that there are thousands of people who know someone with HIV/Aids.

There are:
-People who love someone with HIV/Aids.
-People who have family members with HIV/Aids
-People who may become infected by someone with HIV/Aids.
-People who are afraid and discriminate against those with HIV/Aids.

and various other associations and relationships.

The point is that there is no longer "them and me"...there is simply us. If the government demanded that all citizens get tested for HIV...lots of opinions would change and lots of people would be more passionate and concerned about this preventable disease. I believe that if we just cared a lil more, we would at least be moved to help...even if in the most simple way.

Well, this is my way to help. By creating and promoting this website I hope to introduce people to their fellow human beings who are living with HIV and Aids. I hope you see your brothers and sisters. I hope you see your mother and father. I hope you see your children. I hope you see your friends and the people you love.

I hope that you understand as I do, that people with HIV/Aids are still people. They deserve to be treated like we want to be treated. All the love, hugs, kisses, healthcare, medicine, housing, employment... etc that goes with being you...and being ME.

As you read these stories...embrace what is human, what is universal, and let it affect your opinion of people living with HIV/Aids.


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