Monday, April 30, 2007

You should know about Thembi Ngubane

“My name is Thembi Ngubane and I come from a township outside of Cape Town in South Africa called Khayelitsha. I look taller in these pictures than I really am. I am currently doing a tour of my country speaking about what it is like to live with HIV and AIDS. This all started with an audio diary that I began to keep in 2004 to be broadcast on National Public Radio in the United States. At first I wanted to keep my identity anonymous. But I began to love the diary and it became part of me. At the same time people around me were dying of HIV and AIDS so I felt that I had to disclose. I was invited on a five city speaking tour in the US in 2006 presenting to high schools, colleges, community centers and even for places like CNN and MTV. At this point I saw people’’s positive response and I decided that this documentary must also reach people South Africa. Reaching people with my story in South Africa is the most important thing I have done. This is because in my country everyone is either infected or affected by this disease. This blog is a recollection of this two week tour of my country.” Click here for Thembi’s Blog

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