Thursday, May 31, 2007


When you click on the photo for Bloodline: Aids and Family you will see a video of a mother who says:

I said, my children, you know what I have HIV. One day I will die and leave you my children. So you must be brave and look after yourselves and look after me.
“The AIDS pandemic continues to devastate sub-Saharan Africa. Two million people died from the disease in 2005 alone. Twelve million children have lost at least one parent.

The statistics are staggering.

“But we are not only talking of numbers here,” says Paddington Mazarura of Zimbabwe, a career professional infected with HIV. “We are talking of people.”

Kristen Ashburn’s BLOODLINE: AIDS and Family is the story of these men, women and their children.

Ashburn’s photographs are heartbreaking. But they also tell us of something more. They remind us of how tenuous our connection is to each other. In doing so, they show that what matters most is the care we give to those in need.”

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